Monday, February 3, 2020

What Art 1

1)the mood that shows in the image is honestly and just casual just making a pose for the art so i would say feeling good that there being drawn.
2)i think this image was created with actual paint that artist use i know that in photoshop there a way to make it look like its paint but i like i said i actual think its paint.
3)the role that plays the image is red which i don't think it accentuate the mood i feel like the put red in the back ground so it could catch people's attention which for me it did.
4)i think the artist intended to convey with this image is too show that photography and art are kinda the same the both have to put effort and certain things to get the attention of people so the more details and better colors better side the more people will like.the effort she put in the image i think she successfully did it cause for me it got my attention as soon as i saw it.

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