Wednesday, February 26, 2020


When I wrote the reflection in first semester i wrote the things that i wanted to fix and make better for the second semester and i think i have done better this semester cause i have have done my projects with more ideas it might of not been the best in class but i feel like i have done better with the quality of the the begging of the semester i had the Iphone 6 which in that time it was not the best quality,but then in the second and third semester i got the Iphone 11 the newest phone with some amazing quality which helped my pictures look better.Lately we have not put any comments on our pictures which i feel like every time when we finish a project we should put a good comment and a comment giving them advice on how they could of made it a little better.I have learn more about photoshopping too which is a good thing so i can remember my self and to know how to fix a picture on my own and get to even more about photoshop and not make a picture look odd.

I tried to put as much effort as i could i wanted to be creative and do something that other people aren't doing i want mines to be something else i want people to look at it and say "wow that is amazing" or a nice comment, I mean nothing is perfect so comments to help fix it or make it better next time i would love that too.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Letter To The Past

  Dear Mirella I'm writing his letter for you in the future so I can give you some tips and advice so you can be successful in your future classes in high school to be in general your creative photography class.right now I’m 10 years old I’m in elementary school still barely learning knew things to become successful in the world and to become a teacher.I have always loved helping people and to be honest who would of thought you would of changed your mind in the last minute to become a never thought of become a photographer at all in till you got into cameras and the way pictures are taken and how Cameras are such beautiful to take wonderful pictures of people or even random stuff and then being creative and learning how to edit those pictures to make the pictures look a little bit better.

This is one of the one pictures that your going to take and I wanted to give you some advice and some good comments.first of all the color of it and yeah clouds reflecting on the building on the 3 picture looks so amazing it’s beautiful but in the same time try to take a picture of different angels to make the picture look a little better.also don’t do your assignments in the last minute where you won’t have time to think if you could of made the picture look a little better and edit some stuff on it.dont ever copy other photography’s work it’s almost the same thing as copy someone’s words in a book and saying it like it was yours which it’s not you got it from somewhere else, you have to be creative even though your not that creative you still have some good ideas and try your best to make it unique.I hope you become the photographer you want to be in the future and get your own business and take good pictures for important events and other stuff that you might like for example traveling the world and taking pictures of famous buildings or statues.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

forced perspective

The importance of art

   The following quote about tax dollars not being wasted on art, music or theater classes and high schoolers being train to enter the workforce,I don’t agree with this at all but like in the same time yes. I don’t agree with this because in school there should be all time of stuff that everyone likes.not everyone is into sports either cause there not good in it or students actually don’t like sports.there is a lot of people that are into art, music and theater and that love doing it, it’s there passion and it makes them who they are.I feel like some schools should waste more money on art supplies and other stuff needed in art or music or in, music and theater are really interesting classes that everyone at one point in high school should do even if you think you won’t like it or you might think it’s hard but learning and studying well make it perfect and by the time you know it you’ll be a professional at it.

   Not everyone is planning to become a artist or musician or actor which is one reason why I do agree with this quote because if you want to become a basketball player or anything involve with sports or even something with technology these classes won’t really help you at all because in art or music it’s a class where you have to learn and have creatively which in sports you don’t need that but art or music do have in common with sports is learning how to do it and practicing and learning how to get better at it.trying to become a engineering or something else you actually need to learn how to do it and to help you find a job when you get out of school.