Wednesday, December 18, 2019

1st semester reflection

The quality of my work would say its ok for a beginner someone that wants to learn much more about cameras in general and how to photoshop photos to make them look better.I tried to put as much effort as i could i wanted to be creative and do something that other people aren't doing i want mines to be something else i want people to look at it and say "wow that is amazing" or a nice comment, I mean nothing is perfect so comments to help fix it or make it better next time i would love that too.i participated in ever project we have done but i feel like it would not come out good as other peoples work.what i can improve on next time is trying to be more creative with my images do need more focus cause i feel like they were just plain.the quality of my work is not bad i did do somethings different than others i would say.taking it further is what i tried to do with my project but i feel like they dont come out good or how i expect for them to come out.

Friday, December 13, 2019

the last girl part two

The size can affect it a lot because yesterday when i saw it closer it looked photoshopped since it was showing where the little guy was coming from and like i said the texture of the photo looked like someone made some adjustments to the image.the mood for the image is sad and wondering whats the meaning of this image is whats the backstory.the expression on the girls face is sad and confused and probably scared or she could of just been looking at the camera for pictures.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

face image

what i think is going on this in image is that the little guy on her face is checking if she has any pimples or wrinkles he's checking if she's good enough to take pictures.This image is a artistic image because its looks like a drawing the texture of it looks like the way art would look like.yes i think this image is photoshop because of the fact that theres a little man on her face like if he was climbing a building or something.what the photographer intent to say with this image is that you don't have to worry about every little thing on your face like a wrinkle which is normal when you get older which if is that reason i think the same every picture has its own meaning.the difference between the girl and the guy is that he's checking for mistakes while the girl is just there not doing anything.